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Tamil Heritage Trust

Indology Festival 2024, "Harappan Civilization: A Century of Discovery" celebrates the Centenary of the discovery - more accurately, of the announcement of the discovery - of the Harappan Civilization.

From June 10th to 15th, 2024 - a series of Talks by archaeologists and other experts on various fascinating aspects that have been uncovered so far as well the mysteries that remain buried in the sands of time.

#THTIndoFest2024 offers two Online Talks every day starting at 5.30 pm. And they are free to watch.
You can watch the Talks here

Indology Festival 2024, Harappan Civilization: A Century of Discovery

On September 20, 1924, The Illustrated London News published the first images announcing the discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization. In the accompanying article Sir John Marshall, Director General of Archaeology of India, wrote a little breathlessly: "The two sites where these somewhat startling remains have been discovered are some 400 miles apart - the one being at Harappa.., and the other at Mohenjo-daro... At both these places there is a vast expanse of artificial mounds evidently covering the remains of once flourishing cities, which ...must have been in existence for many hundreds of years."

A week later, in his Letter to the Editor of the same publication, Professor A.H. Sayce, a famous Assyriologist, wrote that “the remarkable discoveries….. of which Sir John Marshall has given an account….are even more remarkable and startling than he supposes”.  He explained that the seals in the pictures of the newly discovered cities were identical to those found in Sumer at layers from around 2600-2300 BCE.  “The discovery opens up a new historical vista and is likely to revolutionise our ideas of the age and origin of Indian civilization”, he prophesied.

Today, over 1400 sites of this ancient yet sophisticated urban civilization have been discovered, spread over a vast geographical region including Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. Over the last century, archaeologists and scholars from across the world have contributed richly to the understanding of this great civilization that existed in various phases of maturity between 3300 BCE and 1300 BCE.

 #THTIndoFest2024 will cover
What the Harappans ate and how they grew their food
Who they traded with and what was their marketing strategy
How they viewed family and kinship
Their advanced technology and  skills in crafts and metallurgy
How Gujarat was a hub of the Harappan Civilization
Their script and what the experts have been able to understand so far seals and and more..
Tamil Heritage Trust