Stages in Abhyasaganam
Information provided by T.N.Chitra
Sarali Varisai
This is the first lesson in Carnatic
music and is practised in Mayamalavagowlai raga and Chatusra Jaathi Triputa
Tala (Adi Tala). This exercise is practised to develop a good sense of
sruti, layam and swaragnanam (knowledge of swara). Different combinations
of the swaras are practised in a minimum of three different speeds, while
keeping the speed of talam constant. In the first speed, one swara is sung
for one beat (one unit of talam)
Sa ri ga ma l pa dha ni sa ll
Sa ni da pa l ma ga ri sa ll
In the second speed, two swaras are
sung for one unit of a talam.
Sari gama padha nisa l Sani dapa
maga risall
Sari gama padha nisa l Sani dapa
maga risall
In the third speed four swaras are
sung for one unit of a talam.
Sarigama padhanisa Sanidhapa magarisa
l Sarigama padhanisa Sanidhapa magarisa ll
Sarigama padhanisa Sanidhapa magarisa
l Sarigama padhanisa Sanidhapa magarisa ll
Increase in speed means doubling
the swaras from the previous speed. Likewise, various combinations are
Jantai Varisai
The next exercise consists of repeating
the same swara twice with stress on the second swara. Here also, different
combinations in three speeds are practised.
sasa riri gaga mama l papa dhadha
nini sasa ll
sasa nini dhadha papa l mama gaga
riri sasa ll
Dhatu Varisai
This next exercise has swaras which
jump from one to another skipping the swaras in between. The swaras instead
of coming in the usual order of Sa ri ga ma, are sung - sama gama. This
helps one to have good control over swarasthanas. This exercise is also
practised in three speeds.
Melsthyai Varisai
The swara exercises are practised
in the higher octave so as to enable one to sing in higher range.
All the above exercies are meant
to strengthen the swarasthanam, voice of the vocalist.The above exercises
introduce the basic concept of Carnatic music - sruti and Layam to the
student. They provide a good training to the voice.