Saint Thyagaraja
The Ghana Raga Pancharatnams
Ragam - Gowlai ; Talam - Adi3;
15th Mela Janyam
Which prince will protect, me who
does bad things !
I keep on doing bad things every
minute !
1. Oh moon that blossoms the lilly
heart of Goddess Lakshmi ! Oh God you are not understood by heart and words.
2. I did not realise the fact that
you reside in all things.
3. Right from my young age I did
bad things without praying you and enjoying your grace.
4. I filled my stomach by deceiving
others and desirous of others' possession.
5. I spent my days thinking that
comfortable living is the only use of this worldly life.
6. I preached dancers without knowledge,
evil spirits, low people, women with the idea of attracting them and was
very happy. I knew nothing about swara and laya and was proud with the
thought that I was equal to the best baktha.
7. Oh Lord of Lords ! I forgot to
pray your lotus feet and I believed only in worldly things like women,
house, children, employees and wealth.
8. I did not meditate on your beautiful
face. I went behind wild men, lived hopelessly. I could not leave my evil
desires. I always did bad things and was filled with bad thoughts.
9. I did not realise that human birth
is a boon. I became slave to madness, jealousy, kama, miserliness &
desires. Even though I was born in a good family, I carried on bad deeds.
To fulfill my evil desires I did bad things.
10. I spent my time on women, money
and wealth. Oh beloved of Tyagaraja ! which prince will come to rescue
a person like me?
The Pancharatna
Saint Tyagaraja;
'Fragrant Gold of Carnatic Music' from A Garland by Shri.N. Rajagopalan
from Another Garland by Shri.N.Rajagopalan