108 Divya Desams
Thirudwarakai is situated on the Bombay
Ahmedabad route..
The Moolavar is Kalyaana Narayanan,
Dwarakaadeesan, Dwarakanathji seen ins tanding posture facing west. This
is one among the seven Mukthi Sthalams.
Thaayaar - Kalyaana Naachiyaar.
Theertham - Gomathi river.
Perialwar - 333,398, 399, 415, 472
Aandaal - 507, 541, 594, 625
Thirumangaialwar - 1504, 1524
Thirumazhisaialwar - 2452
Nammaalvar - 3144.
Total of 13 Paasurams